How and where do we manage waste?

How and where do we manage waste?

Handling and storage

Embedded in the infrastructure of a state-of-the-art chemical tank farm: G.V.S. has a treatment plant at Mannheim-Rheinau Harbour with a total volume of approximately 7,000 m³ in several tanks. We have been handling liquid hazardous waste here since the early 1980s – due to the total tank capacity, it is also possible to accept larger individual deliveries. Loading stations for road tankers, stations for rail tank cars and terminals for the unloading of barges are available. Our treatment plant is also exempted, which allows us prepare disposal certificates in the privileged procedure. This makes it easier for you, as well as for us, to handle the management of hazardous waste.

The usual tends to be the exception in our work. We can cope with that. Very well, in fact.

As a specialist waste management company which is approved according to the BImSchG, we fulfil the requirements for an explosion-proof plant for liquid waste with flash points ˂21°C and as an upper-tier hazardous incident plant. We have approval for the storage, treatment and handling of hazardous waste, and we are specialised in the storage and treatment of solvent-based and aqueous hazardous waste. The end of the treatment chain is the recovery of solvents, the energy recovery in industrial furnaces, the disposal in hazardous waste incinerators, or the material recycling. Our declared goal is to make product qualities that are customised in detail according to the requirements of the end users. End users from the cement, lime, and steel industries as well as operators of other industrial furnaces appreciate the consistent, defined material quality as well as our adherence to delivery dates and quantities within the agreed delivery framework.

How and where do we manage waste?

Händler und Makler

We know exactly what we can do. We also know about the capacities and competencies of specialist partner companies throughout Europe, though. We would also be pleased to act as a broker or dealer for you and your hazardous waste, and to design solutions for both the environmentally-compatible and economical disposal in cooperation with proven partners – just contact us!
We have been designing cutting edge waste management solutions for over 40 years. Whether it is at our own facilities or via cooperation partners, i.e. waste management companies that we broker and commission as brokers or dealers.
Whether we propose the waste management at our own facility, whether it is a standard brokerage deal with the waste management on a commission basis, or if it is the management of your hazardous waste including resale on your own account as a dealer, depends largely on the task at hand. Contact us and discuss your requirements – we are sure to find the right solution.
How and where do we manage waste?

Commerce and brokerage

We know exactly what we can do. We also know about the capacities and competencies of specialist partner companies throughout Europe, though. We would also be pleased to act as a broker or dealer for you and your hazardous waste, and to design solutions for both the environmentally-compatible and economical disposal in cooperation with proven partners – just contact us!

Whether we propose the waste management at our own facility, whether it is a standard brokerage deal with the waste management on a commission basis, or if it is the management of your hazardous waste including resale on your own account as a dealer, depends largely on the task at hand. Contact us and discuss your requirements – we are sure to find the right solution.

Handeln, Container

We have been designing cutting edge waste management solutions for over 40 years. Whether it is at our own facilities or via cooperation partners, i.e. waste management companies that we broker and commission as brokers or dealers.

How and where do we manage waste?


It is naturally the case that the correct handling of hazardous waste starts with its collection and provision. We will be pleased to advise you from A-Z and to provide you with the right containers from our extensive inventory. In the further course of events, our many possibilities for efficient logistics are your explicit advantage: We can access the wide-ranging vehicle fleet of our parent companies and partners at any time, and in addition to collecting the waste, we can also offer the right solution for domestic and cross-border transport. In each individual case, we make sure that the cooperation partners have all the necessary permits and authorisations, and assume responsibility for them vis-à-vis the customer.

Simplify your business: From the collection and recording of your hazardous waste to its transport and disposal, we can offer you an all-inclusive package.

The proper and professional transport of hazardous waste is one thing. Practical delivery options are the other. The two go together and identify us as a premium address for the management of waste from 39 target industries. In our treatment plant at Mannheim-Rheinau Harbour, which has approval according to the BlmSchG, we offer a full range of services in terms of handling logistics. Deliveries are possible by:

  • Road tanker,
  • Tank container,
  • Rail tank cars,
  • Rail tank container, and
  • by barge.

In 2011, the first 400-tonne batch of liquid waste from the chemical industry was unloaded at Steiger 1, our marine terminal. Ship delivery at G.V.S. is of particular interest to customers who are able collect larger quantities of liquid waste in tanks or directly on board ship and obtain raw materials by ship as part of their production activities.

How and where do we manage waste?


We build on a constantly expanded and perfected quality assurance system in everything we do. An integral part of this is the analytical department with its own company laboratory for the analysis of samples, input and output samples, and tank contents. Among others, the samples are examined for their calorific value, water content, inorganically and organically bound halogens, heavy metals, pH value and flash point. On the basis of the findings from the waste sample obtained in the laboratory, which is supplemented with information from the waste producer in the survey form, we determine the further procedure: The analysis determines how and when the waste is best delivered, whether further examinations beyond the obligatory incoming analysis are to be carried out upon acceptance, and which further waste management approach is to be chosen and with which safety measures. On this basis, we also prepare the declaration of acceptance in the waste disposal certificate, which complies with all legal requirements.

Each delivery is tested and analysed in the laboratory before acceptance. This ensures that only approved substances enter the cycle and that occupational safety and plant safety concerns are taken into account. 

Among others, at our site at Mannheim-Rheinau Harbour, we have the following laboratory equipment and methods:

  • Calorimeter
  • Water determination according to Karl-Fischer
  • Halogen determination by means of OMNIS titrator
  • pH meter
  • Photometer
  • X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) 
  • Flash point meter

If further tests are required, we can draw on the experiences and capacities of specialist partner laboratories

How and where do we manage waste?

Sorting, classification & packaging of hazardous waste

Many forms of hazardous wastes are considered dangerous goods under the European Agreement concerning the Carriage of Dangerous Goods (ADR). To comply with these regulations, many forms of hazardous waste must be packaged and transported in specific UN-approved packaging. We provide you with this packaging on request, sort and package your waste on site, and label the waste in accordance with the relevant regulations of the ADR and waste legislation as well as the respective acceptance criteria of the waste management facilities.

We offer you “all inclusive” solutions and provide you with qualified technical personnel

  •  Starting with professional advice, 
  • to the sorting, labelling and packaging, 
  • the supply of suitable containers,
  • to the safe transport of waste / dangerous goods to the transport facility
  • through to the provision of proof according to the waste management regulations

You needn’t worry about (almost) anything. 

How and where do we manage waste?


Mannheim is our hub. It is where the branches of our Europe-wide network come together. It is where the heart of the management of hazardous waste beats. Here, the G.V.S. team designs smart solutions that set standards in terms of ecology and economy while complying with all the legal standards. For more than four decades, we have been able to draw on the expertise and capacities of specialist cooperation partners.

We apply the same high standards of seriousness, reliability and professionalism to our partners as we do to ourselves.

We are talking about established, resilient partnerships with forwarding companies, logistics providers, industrial service providers, accredited laboratories and other waste management companies. In addition to our parent companies, our network includes other innovative waste management companies that specialise in the pretreatment and recovery of raw materials, some of them rare, from hazardous waste, as well as companies that remove harmful substances from hazardous waste and/or dispose of hazardous waste.

Netzwerk, unsere Partner