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Our history

Our history

G.V.S. – at the cutting edge of the management of hazardous waste for several decades

Gründung der Gesellschaft. Ihren Namen erhielt die G.V.S. im Jahre 1984 als GVS Gesellschaft für die Verbrennung auf See mbH & Co. KG. Aufnahme des Tanklager-Betriebes im Mannheimer Rheinau-Hafen.
The Federal Republic of Germany finally discontinues the incineration of waste at sea, as qualified waste management facilities for liquid organic solvents are now also available on land. G.V.S. subsequently consistently expands its range of services in the field of the management of hazardous waste surrounding the core business of tank farm operations.
Integration of the operations of WESTAB Mannheim and expansion of its range of services
Change of the company name to G.V.S. Gesellschaft für die Verwertung von Sonderabfällen mbH & Co. KG
Relocation of the registered office to Mannheim, where G.V.S. has had its administrative headquarters on Friesenheimer Insel ever since. The shareholders of G.V.S. are Süd-Müll GmbH & Co KG in Heßheim and HIM GmbH in Biebesheim.
Handling of the first ship-based delivery of liquid hazardous waste at our tank farm. Completion of transshipment logistics by road tanker, tank container, rail tank car and barge.